The diagram below shows how port forwarding punches a hole into your router.

Once, a rouge Raspberry Pi resulted in NASA hack, beware! It’s risky to allow a vulnerable Raspberry Pi running inside your home which is accessible from the Internet. The Internet is already a scary place with bad people all over the place. Hosting a server from your home network is a nightmare. Hope that nobody hacks into your home network 🤞.Port-forward to the Raspberry Pi’s local IP address.
A script to update the DDNS entry incase my IP changes.I would require a Dynamic DNS since I do not have a static IP.If I wish to host a server from my home network:

The content for the website can be added later when I’ll put my development skills to use, but at that moment I thought that it would be really cool to host a website straight our of my Raspberry Pi. Some websites like - This Blog Is Now Running on Solar Power gave me an inspiration to host a website on my Raspberry Pi. The official website describes Raspberry Pi as This year I bought the latest version of Pi on an impulse and now I have no idea what to do with it. I’ve been using Raspberry Pi from past 6 years as a file sharing and media server.